Kane County, on behalf of the Chief Local Elected Official, and the River Valley Workforce Investment Board representing Local Workforce Investment Area 5 for Kane, DeKalb and Kendall Counties, is issuing a notice of Request for Proposals (RFP). This RFP is for the provision of WIA (Workforce Investment Act) education, training, work prep, job placement assistance services, and self access services in the Career Resource Center at the Illinois workNet Center in DeKalb. These services are for DeKalb County WIA-eligible adults and dislocated workers. In addition to the above, this RFP includes delivery of like services for employees of businesses laying off workers or closing.
Total funds available to be awarded for the above services: $500,252.00
The RFP document may be accessed on-line at www.countyofkane.org and www.kcdee.org. Proposal submission deadline is Noon on Friday, May 25, 2012.
Dekalb IB RFP Notice (PDF)
County of Kane Subgrant Award Boilerplate 2011.2012 (PDF)
Budget doc PY12 (Excel)
May 3, 2012
The County of Kane and the River Valley Workforce Investment Board for local workforce area #5 (Kane, DeKalb, and Kendall counties) are modifying their Five Year Plan for workforce services (in accordance with the Workforce Investment Act of 1998) to establish the budget for Program Year 2012 allocations of $4,971,297.00. The Five Year Plan must be approved by the workforce board prior to submittal to the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity. For services funded under the Workforce Investment Act, visit www.kcdee.org or www.rivervalleywib.org. Comments or questions must be directed to bergerscott@CountyofKane.org or mcdonnelltracy@rivervalleywib.org
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5 Year Plan
Adult & Dislocated ITA Policy–11-17-09
RVWIB Procurement Policy and Procedures–11-17-09
ARRA Addendum to 5 Yr Plan-Revised-11-18-09
Self Sufficiency Definition–11-17-09
ARRA Out-of-District IndTrainAcct Cap Policy–11-18-09
Supportive Services Policy–11-17-09
ARRA Work Experience Wage Rates Policy–11-18-09
Synopsis of Modifications to ARRA Plan–11-17-09
ARRA–Classroom-Based Stipend Policy–11-18-09
Synopsis of Modifications to Youth Services Plan–11-12-09
ARRA-Cumulative Reg Form–11-10-09
Training Provider Cert Recert Policy–11-17-09
ARRA-Youth Barrier Definition Policy–11-18-09
WIA Master Budget Documents–11-10-09
Local Content Policy for ILworkNet-Attchmt to 5YrPlan-11-18-09
WIA Program Cumulative Reg Form–11-10-09
Local Policy on Separation–11-17-09
Youth ITA Policy–11-17-09
Needs Related Payments Policy-BrdApprvd6-17–11-17-09
Youth Plan to 5 Yr Plan-Revised–11-18-09
Payroll Allocation Policy–11-18-09
Procurement Policy for WIA Program Svc Admins–11-18-09
PY08 MOU Documents
System-Wide Umbrella Agreement-PY08 MOU-Updated-Jan 16-09
Elgin-Summary of Non-Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
Service Center List–10-08
Elgin-Summary of Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
Service Matrix Partner Review-AuroraEastsideAffil-10-08
Elgin-Summary of Intens-Train Svcs by Partner-10-08
Service Matrix Part. Review-DeKalb-10-08
KendSatellite-Summary of Non-Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
Service Matrix Part. Review-Elgin-10-08
KendSatellite-Summary of Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
Service Matrix Partner Review-Kendall Satellite Ofc-10-08
KendSatellite-Summary of Intens-Train Svcs by Partner- 10-08
Service Matrix Partner Review-KishSatellite-10-08
KishSatellite-Summary of Non-Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
Service Matrix Partner Review-NorthAurora-10-08
KishSatellite-Summary of Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
Service Matrix Partner Review-WCC-CopleyCtr-10-08
KishSatellite-Summary of Intens-Train Svcs by Partner-10-08
Service Matrix Partner Review-WCCMainCampus-10-08
NoAurora-Summary of Non-Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
Service Matrix Partner Review-WCCSatellite-Aurora-10-08
NoAurora-Summary of Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
One-Stop Oper. Agencies-DeKalb-10-08
NoAurora-Summary of Intens-Train Svcs by Partner-10-08
One-Stop Oper. Agencies-Elgin-10-08
WaubSatellite-Aurora-1-A-Attach III-Summary of Non-Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
One-Stop Oper. Agencies-N.Aurora-10-08
WaubSatellite-Aurora-Summary of Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
AurEastsideAff.-Summary of Non-Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
WaubSatellite-Aurora-Summary of Intens-Train Svcs by Partner-10-08
AurEastsideAff.-Summary of Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
WaubSatellite-Main -Summary of Non-Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
AurEastsideAff.V-Summary of Intens-Train Svcs by Partner-10-08
WaubSatellite-Main-Summary of Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
Cost Allocation Resource Sharing DeKalb-PY08-FINAL-10-8-08
WaubSatellite-Main-Summary of Intens-Train Svcs by Partner-10-08
Cost Allocation Resource Sharing Elgin-PY08-FINAL-10-8-08
WCC-CopleyCtr-Summary of Non-Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
Cost Allocation Resource Sharing North Aurora-PY08-FINAL-10-8-08
WCC-CopleyCtr-Summary of Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
DeKalb-Summary of Non-Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
WCC-CopleyCtr-Summary of Intens-Train Svcs by Partner-10-08
DeKalb-Summary of Reg Core Svcs by Partner-10-08
PY08 MOU Review Worksheet-Checklist–10-8-08
DeKalb-Summary of Intens-Train Svcs by Partner-10-08
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