Kane County, on behalf of the Chief Local Elected Official, and the River Valley Workforce Investment Board representing Local Workforce Investment Area 5 for Kane, DeKalb and Kendall Counties, is issuing a notice of Request for Proposals (RFP). This RFP is for the provision of WIA (Workforce Investment Act) education, training, work prep, job placement assistance services, and self access services in the Career Resource Center at the Illinois workNet Center in DeKalb. These services are for DeKalb County WIA-eligible adults and dislocated workers. In addition to the above, this RFP includes delivery of like services for employees of businesses laying off workers or closing.
Total funds available to be awarded for the above services: $500,252.00
The RFP document may be accessed on-line at www.countyofkane.org and www.kcdee.org. Proposal submission deadline is Noon on Friday, May 25, 2012.
Dekalb IB RFP Notice (PDF)
County of Kane Subgrant Award Boilerplate 2011.2012 (PDF)
Budget doc PY12 (Excel)
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